I help our brave men and women in the US Armed Forces mentally transition from a soldier's mindset to a business professional's mindset.

My Top 10 Books Every Military Soldier Should Read Before Transitioning Out of the US Army

My name is Ritchie Thomas, A Soldier's Coach and after spending 6 years in the US Army and transitioning out of the military in 2007 I realized I was in a world of hurt financially, professionally, and just all around.

I knew I had to rebuild myself and often wished I had a guide to do so; after repeatedly hearing how many books millionaires and billionaires read, I started to study them. I wanted to know what made them successful, leaders, and how I could rebuild myself after serving in the US Military.

After researching and compiling dozens and dozens of the most sought after books, I narrowed it down to 10 for numerous reasons: economics, understanding the dollar, understanding business, mentally toughness, and yes, even crafting a life plan. I re-worked the biggest issues in career transition and compiled a list of relevant military transition videos, courses, coaching engagements, military speaking engagements and awesome military transition workshops.

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Top 10 Mistakes Soldiers Make Transitioning Out of the US Military

My name is Ritchie Thomas, A Soldier's Coach, America's #1 Military Speaker and after serving 6 years in the US Army and walking right into The Great Recession of 2008 (COVID-19 of 10 years ago), I realized I made a ton of mistakes in transitioning out of the US Army.

It is my goal to minimize your mistakes and maximize off of mine for your personal development.

It is my goal to minimize your mistakes and maximize off of mine for your personal development. I re-worked the biggest issues in career transition and compiled a list of relevant military transition videos, courses, coaching engagements, military speaking engagements and awesome military transition workshops.

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My Top 10 Reasons You're Not Getting Hired After You Transition Out of the Military

My name is Ritchie Thomas, A Soldier's Coach, and after serving 6 years in the US Military (Army) I transitioned out and right into The Great Recession (2007) and it was a roller coaster to mentally transition from a soldier's mindset to a business professional's mindset.

I re-worked the biggest issues in military transition and compiled a list of relevant military transition videos, courses, coaching engagements, military speaking engagements, and awesome military transition workshops.

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My Top 10 Lessons Learned in the Military


 After spending 6 years in the US Military and countless hours in military training and career transition, I wanted to sum up my Top 10 lessons learned in the US Army.

Utilizing such resources as LinkedIn and business 101 is a primary focus for you all here.

I re-worked the biggest issues in career transition and compiled a list of relevant military transition videos, courses, coaching engagements, military speaking engagements, and awesome military transition workshops.

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