My Top 10 Books Every Military Soldier Should Read Before Transitioning Out of the US Army

Uncategorized Jun 27, 2024

My name is Ritchie Thomas, A Soldier's Coach and after spending 6 years in the US Army and transitioning out of the military in 2007 I realized I was in a world of hurt financially, professionally, and just all around.

I knew I had to rebuild myself and often wished I had a guide to do so; after repeatedly hearing how many books millionaires and billionaires read, I started to study them. I wanted to know what made them successful, leaders, and how I could rebuild myself after serving in the US Military.

After researching and compiling dozens and dozens of the most sought after books, I narrowed it down to 10 for numerous reasons: economics, understanding the dollar, understanding business, mentally toughness, and yes, even crafting a life plan. I re-worked the biggest issues in career transition and compiled a list of relevant military transition videos, courses, coaching engagements, military speaking engagements and awesome military transition workshops.


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